Why You Should Say NO to Commercialized Sanitary Napkins

Why You Should Say NO to Commercialized Sanitary Napkins
Sanitary Pads  - A Silent Health Threat

DID you know that most sanitary pads (and tampons) are made or bleached with chlorine compounds that contain traces of the organochlorine - and known carcinogen - dioxin.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has named dioxin the most potent carcinogen known to science.

The EPA has also concluded that people with high exposure to dioxins may be at risk for other effects that could suppress the immune system, increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, reduce fertility and possibly interfere with normal fetal and childhood development.

In overseas tests, sanitary pads have been found to contain 400 parts per trillion (ppt) dioxin.

Although the paper industry has maintained that such levels are too low to cause any health problems, studies have shown that dioxin appears to migrate easily out of paper products.

Fish and other wildlife have died after exposure to incredibly small dose of 38 parts per quadrillion dioxin.

The average woman uses approximately 15,000 pads over the course of her lifetime. The effect of continual exposure to dioxin, which is forever stored in fat cells, may become cumulative and deadly.

What You Can See, that's the part you can't see. But even the external parts on a sanitary pad that you see are all not natural.

The plastic bottom - to prevent leakage - will usually be made of polythene.

The non-woven fabric covering on the pad is a lightweight material which is often polypropylene or rayon.

The back has 1 or 2 strips of pressure-sensitive adhesive covered with a strip of siliconized compounds paper. (The pads are then packed in plastic bags or shrink-wrapped.  And the pocket itself may be printed with patterns - again, a chemical process.)

It is thus important that women know these facts so that they can seek safer alternatives.


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