Winners take chances.
Like everyone else they fear failing.
But they refuse to let fear control them.
When life gets rough, they hang in until the going gets better.
Like everyone else they fear failing.
But they refuse to let fear control them.
When life gets rough, they hang in until the going gets better.
Winners are flexible.
They realize there is more than one way and are willing to try others.
Winners know they are not perfect.
They respect their weakness while making the most of their strengths.
Winners fail, but they don't stay down.
They stubbornly refuse to let a fall keep them from climbing.
Winners don't blame fate for their failures nor luck for their successes.
Winners accept responsibility for their lives.
Winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things.
From the ordinary they make extraordinary.
Winners believe in the path they have chosen.
Even when it's hard even when others can't see where they are going.
Winners are patient.
They know a goal is only as worthy as the effort that's required to achieve it.
They make this world a better place to be.
Winners and Losers
The winner is always part of the answer.
The loser is always part of the problem.
Winners believe in win/win;
Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose.
The winner always has a program.
The loser always has an excuse.
The winner says, "Let me do it for you."
The loser says, "That's not my job."
The winner sees an answer to every problem.
The loser sees a problem to every answer.
Winners see the potential;
Losers see the past.
Winners choose what they say;
Losers say what they choose.
Winners use hard arguments but soft words;
Losers use soft arguments but hard words.
Winners follow the philosophy of empathy: "Don't do to others what you would, not want them to do to you";
Losers follow the philosophy, "Do it to others before they do it toyou."
The winner says, "It may be difficult but it's possible."
The loser says, "It may be possible but it's too difficult."
The winners say, "I can."
The losers say, "I can't."
When a Winner makes a mistake, he says," I was wrong";
When a Loser makes a mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault."
Winners say," I must do something";
Losers say,"Something must be done."
Winners are a part of the team;
Losers are apart from the team.
Winners see the gain;
Losers see the pain.
Winners see possibilities;
Losers see problems.
The winners say, "I will."
The losers say, "I'll try."
The winners see obstacles as an opportunity for learning.
The losers see obstacles as opportunity for excuses.
The winners help others to become winners.
The losers help themselves.
The winners are givers.
The losers are takers.
Winners are climbers.
Losers are drifters.
Winners feel the glow of success and victory.
Losers feel their own frustration.
Winners wake up without an alarm clock.
Losers wake up after a few punches on the snooze button.
Winners wake up in the morning with energy and enthusiasm and go have fun.
Losers wake up after a cup of coffee and go to work.
Winners pay attention to little details because they make a big difference.
Losers don't get bogged down in details.
Winners act.
Losers react.
Winners find a solution to the problem.
Losers are looking to see whose fault it is.
Winners see failures as opportunities for learning.
Losers see failures as a reason for not trying again.
Winners are problem fixers.
Losers are problem makers.
Winners find opportunities in every difficulty.
Losers find difficulties in every opportunity.
Winners see set backs as stepping stones to success.
Losers see set backs as stumbling blocks.
Winners fix the breakdown.
Losers fix the blame for the breakdown.
Winners make choices.
Losers take chances.
Winners play the ball.
Losers play the score.
Winners say, "let's go"
Losers say "go!"
Winners make commitments.
Losers make promises.
Winners get to the top of an oak tree by climbing it.
Losers sit on an acorn.
Winners build bridges and break down walls.
Losers build barriers and break down relationships.
Winners have a goal to get ahead.
Losers work to get even.
Winners make things happen
Losers let things happen.
Winner set goals.
Losers sit still.
Winners give a helping hand.
Losers look for a handout.
Winners believe it and then they see it.
Losers need to see it before they believe it.
Winners make opportunities.
Losers wait for the opportunities to find them.
Winners coach subordinates.
Losers drive them.
Winners depend on goodwill.
Loser depend on authority.
Winners like what they do.
Losers do only what they like.
Winners make a life.
Losers just make a living.
Winners focus on what they have.
Losers focus on what they are missing.
Winners focus on both competing and creating.
Losers focus on only competing.
Winners are prepared for the game of life.
Losers forget to show up.
Winners play to win.
Losers play not to lose.
Winners design a life.
Losers make a living.
Winners think about investing time with family, friends, patients, clients or customers.
Losers only think about spending or wasting time.
Winners are always moving ahead.
Losers are always falling behind.
Winners take responsibility for changing themselves
Losers want to change others
Winners chose to take responsibility for their circumstances
Losers always think they are the victim of their unfortunate circumstances.
Winners increase their networth by increasing their network.
Loser keep to themselves
Winners win the war.
Losers win the battle.
Winners exceed expectations.
Losers don't keep their promises.
Winners search for breakthroughs.
Losers get stuck on breakdowns.
Winners judge themselves by results.
Losers judge themselves by their good intentions.
A winner says, "There ought to be a better way to do it."
A loser says, "That's the way it's always been done here."
Winners focus on the wonders of life.
Losers dwell on the blunders.
Winners see the stairs (to the top).
Losers only see the errors.
Winners make it happen.
Losers let it happen.
Winners do it now.
Losers get around to it.
Winners actions are goal achieving.
Losers are tension relieving.
Winners employ the mind and the body.
Losers are unemployed.
Winner get high on their expectations.
Losers get high on the side effects of drugs.
Winners are assertive.
Losers are aggressive.
Winners soar alone with the eagles.
Losers hang out with pigeons, chickens, and turkeys.
Winners see beauty and magic everywhere they look.
Losers see only muddy, tainted and foggy views of the world.
Winners abandon the search for only security.
Losers never abandon the comfort zone.
Winners climb out on the limb because that's where the fruit is.
Losers are most comfortable when both feet are on the ground.
Winners look to the bottom line for results.
Losers look for excuses and reason.
Winners make mistakes and consider the mistakes a learning experience.
Losers make mistakes and consider themselves a failure.
The winner sees a green near every sand trap.
The loser sees three sand traps near every green.
The winner sees "Go" lights.
The loser always sees "Stop" lights.
The winner sees the partially filled glass as half full.
The loser sees the glass as half empty.
The winner hears the weather report and it's 25% chance of sunshine.
The loser hears 75% chance of rain.
Winners focus on the goal like a rifle aimed at the bulls eye.
Losers fire at any target with a shotgun.
Winners wake up and say, "Good morning, God."
Losers wake up and say, "Good God, it's morning."
Winners look up and see the sun, moon, and stars.
Losers look down and see their own shadow.
Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things;
Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values.
Winners look up to and listen to their heroes and role models.
Losers look down and hear only the sound of their own footsteps.
Winners focus on 1 thing and do it 1000% better.
Losers try to do 1000 things 1% better.
Winners see rainbows.
Losers see thunderstorms.
Winners put on ice skates when
Losers only see icey streets.
Winners make lots of mistakes and with persistence will eventually succeed.
Losers don't make many mistakes but never accomplish very much either.
Winners see the seeds of success in failing and trying.
Losers see thorns and thistles in failing and cling to the comfort zone.
Winners fix breakdowns
Losers fix the blame for the breakdown.
Winners work to get ahead.
Losers work to get home.
Winners focus on roots and wings.
Losers dwell on loot and things.
Winners spend their time learning the trade.
Losers focus only on the tricks of the trade.
The difference between a winner and a loser is the difference between the lightening and the lightening bug.
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